All India Patriotic Forum organised a public meeting to express their outrage at the attack on Mumbai and to express their condolence at the death of the brave commandos and citizens who lost their lives in the carnage.
The meeting was organised in Jogeshwari and was attended by hundreds of people including school children, religious leaders and humanitarian activists and people of Mumbai. The program started with all religious leaders- Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian offering prayers to those who sacrificed their lives in the Mumbai terror attacks.It had various speakers including religious leaders, police officials, civil rights activists and local politicians who spoke about various possibilities behind the motive for this attack.
The demand for a judicial inquiry into the death of Hemant Karkare, Mr Salaskar and Ashok Kamte was raised and received with tremendous support and applause. It was resolved to stand together as Indians and not let political classes communalise the issue of the attack. The real game of dividing India along religion, region and economics was discussed and programs were launched to stop that.
Hundreds of children and people lit candles to offer their condolences to those who sacrificed their lives for a United India.
-- Regards Amaresh Misra __._,_.___
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