Dear All, This might be funny news but, here it go. Ms Sharifa Siddiqui <sharifasiddiqui<at>yahoo.com> email id is hacked now, please stop using it and if you are an IT expert then help your friends to avoid such kind of embarrassing moment. She is second member in this forum, whom email id is hacked. Also, can we request IT experts to suggest us, some internet security measures that should be follow by everyone. Also, does it need to take extra care for user of Yahoo and Rediffmail as most of hacked mail ids belong to these two co.
Regards, Moderator, Jharkhand Forum cohort@jharkhand.us Enclosed: Hacker's Message posted to all of her contacts. Hello, How are you doing today?How is everyone?Hope everything is well with you,I have a sad news for you but i think its not as terrible as you might think cos i believe everything will be fine and i would like to apologise for not informing you about my traveling to Worcester,United Kingdom.It has been a very urgly and sad moment for me here,The present condition i found my self in is very difficult for me to bear.Am really down financially here in in United Kingdom and I'm happy i have access contacting you to know about this and so excited now because the program i went for was successful but am only having one problem right,I should be getting ready to leave for home in couple of days but i dont think i can make it home cos i have a serious problem that am facing right here of which i don't know how my little bag got lost.I don't know if i did forgot it in the taxi or i got it lost on my way back to the hotel loged and i have all my document,passport,money and other valuable things that were kept in it.I am really facing a hard time here becasue i have no money with me and i am owing the hotel a sum of $2000 bill which i was asked to pay soon.I need you to help me urgently with a sum of $3,500 to sort my hotel bill,to feed and arrange for my traveling back home,I really want your assistance in time cos am in a terrible and tight situation here.I don't even have any cash on me to get some food for the whole day which means have been starving so you should understand how important i need your help urgently.I decided to get the attention of the hotel manager to explain everything and he said he is going to help me by spearing few days in his hotel before i can get help ,he told me the fastest means you can have the money transfer to me is via Western union money transfer or Money Gram.I am sending you this e-mail from his office so i want you to contact him mr David Guy ( zaks_25_52 @ yahoo.com) and request for my detail to wire the money If you can help me please let me know don't panic about this, I am strong and fine.All I needed from you now is the financial assistance to sort myself out and get back home.I will appreciate what so ever you can afford to send for me and i promise to pay back your money as soon as i return back home cos i believe this is the best way to get me out of this mess.Could you Keep this private until i return, i don't want anybody to get worried about me over this situation until i return home.Please you are the only one I can explain my trouble situations to right now, kindly keep this confidential because I never wanted anybody to know or get worried about me over my predicament until I return home safely, just keep this within yourself even after you can't help.You can get back to me through the hotel manager's contact e-mail for immediate updates on my behalf and hoping to hear from you soon. Thanks, sharifa
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