Rabinder Singh, I wonder how you were associated with ICSI Indian Council of Small Industries over 30 years back? >>>363 MoU were signed in 2007 during VG event and amount of MoU was Rs. 461835.00 Crores for 1326387 jobs. But what stunned me was all the projects of MoUs were promoted by Indian Companies. >> You are not aware that many MOU-s were signed by Foreign Co-s too as many were reluctant to come to Gujarat by the negative propaganda by media and vicious pessimists and anarchists like you to vilify the State. Get proper information from the Industries Dept. in Bl No.5. >>The ideas of Vibrant Gujarat and Gujarat SEZs were conceived in 2003 and earlier when Advani was Deputy PM elected from Gandhinagar, the very idea of locating all the industries in Gujarat was most atrocious. >>> In which way it is atrocious? In a progressive Gujarat wher the hassles for starting the industries is minimum with practically no corruption, thanks to a stern Mody. >>It was not just a case of Unbalanced Growth among states but locating in Gujarat means very high distribution cost so Tax FREE SEZs were included in the industrial policy. But no such policy was provided for professional and inventors ho were not Banias and in fact BJP didn't improve PATENT system that recognize and reward Intellectual Property. >> Location of an industry is determined by various factors of ultimate viablity and profitability. GOI has invested much more in the States of Bihar, UP and Punjab besides Haryana. If these states have devoured these funds by prevalent corrupt practices and have not succeeded in entrepreneurship, it is the fault of the States concerend!! Since 1948, many large projects were started in Bihar like Sindri, Chittaranjan Locomotive, Heavy Machinery and so on. But Bihar has not picked up. Why? On the other hand GOI has not invested in any large industry in Gujarat except perhaps refinery and IPCL, the latter disinvested and now owned by RIL!! >>It was a such security risk to locate 60% of India's refining capacity in Gujarat a border state considering high cost of transportation involved in its retailing. >> Commonsense and not expertise will show that any refining of crude arriving by large ships should be at the nearest port to the Gulf. RIL has rightly chosen Jamnagar where the Crude arrives at minimum cost from Gulf and again these refineries are mostly export oriented, shipping back the different fractions..petrol, diesel, napphtha..etc. Where does the cost of transportation arise here? GOI under UPA has not allowed level playing field by charging all levies as duties and taxes on the imports and products, and not allowing any reliefs as allowed for Govt. controlled IOC,..etc., fporcing RIL to close down all retail outlets in India. PM MM SIngh wanted Mukesh to rush to his rescue on 22/7 for the Parliament tests and the Crores of cash was flaunted in the well of Lok Sabha. But MM did not extend the justice to RIL in retailing petrol and diesel by refusing the reliefes accorded to the Govt. controlled Oil Co-s. You should be aware that there are many pipelines carrying crude (to Mathura), gases to UP and other Northern States and almost all pipelines starting from Gujarat ports. Transport is not a problem for fluids and I hope you are aware of this. >>It was DELIBRATE policy to create Baniadesh. Advani knew half of central India is controlled by MAOIST and surely Bania wanted safe heaven – Baniadesh was part of the vision. Other evidence include repeal of FEMA that liberate Banias from criminal liability in case of fraud, let them acquire 50% to 90% equity in listed companies that would help them raise Rs.4,00,000 crores to Rs.17,00,000 crores from public sector banks. Ambanis alone can raise Rs.10,00,000 crores – a third of all bank credits. All the MEGA projects like Gas and Water Grid etc that Gujarat can't afford were part of the vision of Baniadesh. Promoters of Baniadesh also proposed to dismantle Public Distribution System, State funded Education and Healthcare, Financial System etc. >>> Your perverted thinking is exposed here. It is not only Baniya-s. Many others have invested in Gujarat and prospered without ethnic distinction and that is the greatness of the State esp. under Mody. >>>Muslims and Christians were not required in Baniadesh. >> If Christians and Muslims are interested in their own agenda of terrorism and conversions and do not have the entrepreneurship eforts in them, who is to be blamed? Projects are decided on the feasibility and viability and it is immaterial who the promoter/ entrepreneur is by religion, caste or ethnicity. Mody himslef is an OBC but does not entertain anyone approaching him on caste equations >>Modi and Advani has not uttered a single word to Award Death Penalty for Corporate depositing money in Switzerland. >> The Country has the laws for such punishment. If amendments are warranted the Parliament would have to do it.
http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ sez.htmlAll are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ chemi.html Hydrochem (S) Pte Ltd, Rs.14 Crore MOU is the only foreign company under Chemical heading but google couldn't connect me to its website. http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ pharma.html None is foreign company. http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ engi.html Ecu Hold N.V (Belgium) is the only foreign company – Rs. 110 crores http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ textile.html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ paper_indus. html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ agri.html All are Indian companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ biotechnology. html All are Indian companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ it.html Fascel Ltd (Hutch) Only foreign MOU – Rs.2500 crores http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ oil-gas.html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ power.html All are Indian companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ port.html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ civil.html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ road_rail. html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ urban_dev. html World Bank - Carbon Credit Rs.8 Crores http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ financial. html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ education. html All are Indian Companies http://www.vibrantg ujarat.com/ mous/mous_ healthcare. html All are Indian Companies
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